Category: Theology Page 1 of 3

What I’ve Learned

In September I signed a two-year contract with Southminster United Church as their congregational minister. This is a student position as I’m completing the Supervised Learning Experience(SME) with the United Church of Canada (part of the candidacy pathway). I am really appreciating the process and all of the training and mentoring involved. As a minister I have never felt more supported. Even my educational supervisor, Rev. Jenni Leslie, has been such a blessing, I did not expect to have so much hands on mentoring and it has been so helpful. I am also loving the experience of Southminster itself. Our church has its challenges certainly, but Southminster is a warm, welcoming community with a passion to continue worshipping in Old Ottawa South, I can work with that.

At the same time I had already agreed to 10 hours teaching at Algonquin College (2 courses NET1001 and CST8117). While teaching I also have been enrolled at Atlantic School of Theology (AST at SMU) completing a testamur. My PhD in theology is a teaching degree and so the testamur matches it to an MDiv which I cover off easily, but not the four denominational formation courses I wanted to take anyway and an advanced preaching summer course I’m hoping to do this coming summer. This meant that while ministering and teaching I was also writing papers for Rev. Dr. Catherine Faith MacLean’s excellent United Church Theology course. I also finished up an anti-racism course on ChurchX (required by the denomination) and have been working on developing a course on poverty and privilege with a group out of Peterborough. Needless to say I have been a busy boy.

Other than the inevitable marking, all of these are things I absolutely loved doing.

But what I’ve learned is that the 42+ hours a week I committed to is way too much for me. So this semester I’m scaling back my Algonquin teaching considerably. I have agreed to just 5 hours and only working on one course: NET3010 which is the BitNet web programming course I enjoy. I’m also only doing one of the lab sections so that means marking will be exams and one lab’s worth (about 25 students) of lab assignments. I think that will be a lot more doable. At least I hope this will be the case.

I’ve also learned that I really love doing pastoral work. After all I’ve been through with the church I had pretty much given up on working as a minister. But the challenge is quite thrilling and ministry is full of those teachable moments that keep me coming back to teaching positions. I’m also enjoying seeing new faces in the congregation, some returning and some just finding their way to our sacred space. I was overjoyed to receive authorization to celebrate communion with Southminster, and Christmas Eve was my first communion service there. I’m so looking forward to new opportunities to serve Southminster and our wider community spiritually this coming year.

Not bad things to learn.

I’m hoping that this season will also afford me more time to curate this blog consistently. We’ll see, I have hope.

Have a blessed New Year!

notepad and coffee cup

Following Jesus Today Article

Ad for Following Jesus Today eBook

I contributed a short reflection on what it means to follow Jesus in the world today to this new book. I was tickled to see that I knew other authors who also contributed. If you want to read something encouraging about how folks from different Christian traditions understand following Jesus today, I highly recommend.

Frank teaching online

North American Evangelicalism (OSTS)

First slide from this series with the title of the course: Intro to N. Am. Evangelicalism

I was quite happy with how this course turned out, lots of really great student engagement as we looked at the history and current state of evangelicalism in North America. Wanting to reach a broader audience, OSTS has invited me to run this lecture series online in the second half of their winter semester (Feb. 3 to Mar. 20). You can read my blog post describing this series here. This course is great for evangelicals, post-evangelicals, and those just interested in influential forms of Christianity. My students last semester told me that they gained a new awareness of the breadth and depth of this diverse movement, and many were surprised at which traditions have evangelical roots. In North America it is easy to see that most, if not all, Christian traditions (and even some world religions) are either reactionary to evangelicalism or currently engaging with evangelicalism in constructive ways. Evangelicals are everywhere. Come join with us as we explore where they come from, how they have evolved, and where they might be heading.

frank getting ready to preach

Southminster United Church

Southminster is an amazing church in the Glebe (right close to Lansdowne Park). I will be preaching there on the following dates:

Jan. 15th, 29th. Feb 26th.

Photo by RODNAE Productions:

OSTS Fall Course: North American Evangelicalism

This coming semester at the Ottawa School of Theology and Spirituality I will be delivering a course introducing North American Evangelicalism. I am hoping to do this through historical moments and stories, looking at the formative American evangelical identity that grew out of the revivalism of the Great Awakenings and following the windy tale to the religious nones and dones of our day. The interesting part, for me, is that no matter where we find ourselves in Christian (and sometimes even secular) spaces the shadow of this evangelicalism is not hard to find.

man standing with arms open wide

O Beautiful Dust My Lenten Companion

A few years back I had the privilege of co-authoring a paper with my friend Robbie Walker. Robbie is a queer Pentecostal theologian (PhD candidate Trinity College, Toronto). I am not sure how I first encountered Robbie, I think it was through Generous Spaciousness way back, but however it happened I’ve been blessed by Robbie’s keen mind and authentic Christian faith. And I especially enjoyed the way that Robbie shaped our work together trying to understand some of the ways that our evangelical kin approach or avoid issues of LGBTQ+ inclusion.

Collective Worship

The Gift of the Diversity of Christian Worship

Last year I had the opportunity to deliver a series of lectures and conversations about the diversity of expressions of worship in the Christian Church. I wanted to create a space where we could reflect on our own experiences of liturgy and worship as well as explore a few different approaches and practices that would challenge us to learn from each other. I had a great and engaged group of learners for the journey with the Ottawa School of Theology and Spirituality – and now I’m preparing to offer this teaching through the Atlantic School of Theology‘s continuing education series in May-June 2022. I am pretty excited.

Frank in church

Intro to North American Evangelicalism

I am preparing to deliver a course through the Ottawa School of Theology and Spirituality in September (2022) on Evangelicalism. This is the abstract I submitted for their pamphlet:

Who are the Evangelicals? Together we will explore the story of Evangelicalism in North America. Our  focus is on those traditions who have identified with Evangelicalism in Canada and the United States. We will look at evangelicals through the lenses of the Fundamentalist movement, post-war neo-evangelicalism, and evangelicals today.

man standing with arms open wide

Decolonization Series

Examining the hidden ideas that inhabit our imaginations is the serious need of our day. We often allow internalized entitlements, ideologies, and even racisms to colour our thinking and our acting in the world. Leaving these ideas unexamined does make sense; these hidden ideas are often the underpinnings of who we believe we are in this world. To tackle any of these ideas is both painful and risky. But it is absolutely necessary. It is those same, often unexamined, assumptions that do harm to others. Our privilege always comes with a price, a price we really do not want to think too much about.

Frank and Thoughtworks slide

What I Would Do Differently (part 1)

Frank speaking at a retreat
Frank speaking at Pastor’s Retreat

It has been quite a few years now since I’ve pastored a church. During this time I’ve reflected a lot on what I did wrong and what I did right. I still have a lot of fond memories of the good things we, as a church, did in our city and even beyond our city. The road trips to do teaching workshops, exploring notions of justice in community, training up leaders who went out to serve in other congregations, and even the deep enduring friendships that we cultivated. These good things definitely have their counterpoints in the things I wish I had done differently. Some of these things we got right in the beginning, but somehow, they were overtaken or misaligned by the demands of pastoral ministry. As a result we’ve had to work through a few relationship stumbles from those days and there are still a few we have yet to work through, especially from the  last couple of years of Freedom Vineyard. As these reflections percolate in my heart I thought it would be helpful to me, and possibly others, to reflect on them here. I want to reflect on the first idea, more ideas will come and more will come on each idea I am sure.

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