Month: April 2018

main bench in my shop

Furniture Restoration (Part I)

chair for fixing
Chair that desperately needs some love
Frank casually lecturing


Frank doing some late fall camping. brrrr.
Camping Frank

I have been very busy, but in a good way.

Last week I talked about prepping for a couple job applications which I am hoping will lead to a full time teaching position. Not teaching theology, but something that will be satisfying and make teaching theology part-time a sustainable enterprise. With a bit of back and forth between me and a friend, I think I have put my best foot forward. So now I wait (I’m also waiting on another application that I sent out months back, so much waiting.)

Frank and Chelsea in lightsaber battle

Not a Throwback Thursday, Sort of

Chelsea fighting me and Richard with lightsabers
Fighting my dark Jedi daughter

I am chasing down a job lead this week, doing my research and trying to put my best foot forward. It is very time consuming. I’ve only been working part-time since I graduated which is not a sustainable arrangement. So I’m excited at each prospect that opens up, but I also find myself wrestling with the angst of stepping out in this direction of faith. See back when the tech bubble burst (2000) I was fairly burned out, in tech you must continually re-invent yourself and I was facing one of those moments where the role I had moved into was changing very fast. I completed 13 different certifications from 2000 to 2001 and I was looking at a raft more if I wanted to keep going in that direction. I did like the challenge of continually re-inventing myself for most of my IT career but the role I was doing meant lots of travel and we were finally settled enough to start a family. It seemed like the perfect time to shift gears, even just for a bit, to get some theological education, a dream of mine from my early years in ministry.

main bench in my shop

Spring Projects

cluttered old shop space
My old garage workshop

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