Month: July 2018

Frank casually lecturing

Preparing for the Fall

BrightSpace shell screen shot
BrightSpace Screen Shot

This fall is going to be exciting, but it will be a lot of work getting there. I spent a day in the studio at Saint Paul University recording lectures for my upcoming new course THO3164: Jesus the Christ and the Language of Christian Hope. I  am really pumped because this course lets me do a deep dive into material that in the past was only a small part of courses I’ve taught. We had workers outside while we were recording and I know they could hear my projecting voice because at one point they started singing “He’s got the whole world in his hands.” We had to pause a few times. But we did manage five lectures, only 25 to go!

Frank and Thoughtworks slide

What I Would Do Differently (part 1)

Frank speaking at a retreat
Frank speaking at Pastor’s Retreat

It has been quite a few years now since I’ve pastored a church. During this time I’ve reflected a lot on what I did wrong and what I did right. I still have a lot of fond memories of the good things we, as a church, did in our city and even beyond our city. The road trips to do teaching workshops, exploring notions of justice in community, training up leaders who went out to serve in other congregations, and even the deep enduring friendships that we cultivated. These good things definitely have their counterpoints in the things I wish I had done differently. Some of these things we got right in the beginning, but somehow, they were overtaken or misaligned by the demands of pastoral ministry. As a result we’ve had to work through a few relationship stumbles from those days and there are still a few we have yet to work through, especially from the  last couple of years of Freedom Vineyard. As these reflections percolate in my heart I thought it would be helpful to me, and possibly others, to reflect on them here. I want to reflect on the first idea, more ideas will come and more will come on each idea I am sure.

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