studio cafe IMG_5983

Sometimes life feels really full. Those aren’t bad times, in fact they can be very rewarding times. But it is a fine line that separates feeling productive and feeling like you are sinking under the weight of it all. This was one of those weekends where I stood precariously on that line.

Sharon and I poured on the steam to get the basement finished, at least functionally finished. That meant sanding all the drywall in the last room as well as in the stairwell, priming everything, and painting. I managed to finish up the sanding and move my chop saw out of the main room on Saturday (I’ll bring it back to finish up the trim this week). We had lots of other things on the go so the order of when we completed tasks is a bit of a blur. I managed to prime and caulk everything Sunday after church. I was also able to do a prime check which I would quickly prime this morning. Then I started in on the ceiling paint while Sharon sealed the stairwell, this was necessary because previous owners were heavy smokers and the last owners sealed the ceilings but not the walls so that now the nicotine in the walls is starting to emerge! Not pleasant. We did not want to have that happen in the new basement so all of the existing drywall has been sealed.

We had just enough ceiling paint for the game room (main area). We did not have enough wall paint to finish the walls in the game room, although I almost managed the second coat. I’m going to pick up some more paint tomorrow and finish the job, I think Robert is coming by to help me install trim. Oh and tomorrow is already packed with the car going in for repairs in the morning and a Skype call with my good friend Beth Stovell in the afternoon. But I am motivated to finish because I ordered the Kallax shelving which arrives Thursday Afternoon! Finally my games will have a new home.

So add to all of that preparing worship for our small group tonight, going to small group, visiting with my buddy Kadry to see his kitchen upgrades, Sharon taking in Les Miserables, and a surprise flat tire (not one, but two screws!). It was a pretty full long weekend.

In the picture my buddy Richard Dufault and I are battling my dark Jedi daughter Chelsea. This was from a photoshoot Richard did for us to promote a game Chelsea and I developed called Quack, Quack, Duck